Saturday, January 31, 2015

Pathology Report

After Naomi was delivered, my placenta was taken to pathology where it was tested for infections and chromosomal defects.

At my 5 week postpartum appointment, we were told that the testing done on my placenta all came back normal.

So what does that mean?

As far as we can tell, nothing was wrong with Naomi. She didn't have any infections, there wasn't anything wrong with her genetically, and the umbilical cord wasn't defected.

Honestly, we were relieved to hear that news. I knew nothing was wrong with her! She looked great at all her ultrasounds. My 18 week anatomy scan didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary. In fact, my OB said she looked great!

So what happened?

We don’t know. We don’t have an answer. I would like an answer because it makes me feel like if I know what happened to Naomi then I can prevent it from happening again. But the truth is, I’m not in control and I never was. God is in control. I have to rest and trust in His sovereignty always, even when things don’t make sense.