Saturday, February 7, 2015

The First Few Weeks

I feel like I could write pages and pages of the way people have cared for us over the last few months. I do want to share briefly what has been very helpful and encouraging to me.

The night we found out Naomi died, my in-laws came over with dinner and just spent the evening with us. Jacob had to make arrangements with school to ensure his classes were covered for the remainder of the school year so it was nice to not be alone. 
Our pastor and his wife and our small group leaders visited us in the hospital the day I was scheduled to deliver her and prayed with us. Both of our families spent the day with us as well. It was nice to not be alone.

Immediately following Naomi’s death, I felt numb inside and really just felt like all of this was a complete nightmare. It didn't seem real. Making decisions was extremely hard; everything from the simple, everyday decisions, like what to wear, what to eat, to having decide on burial and funeral arrangements.  

Our church created a meal list and for an entire week we had all our meals provided. This was a HUGE blessing and very thoughtful. I mentioned in an earlier post that eating was difficult, not physically but emotionally, so I was very thankful for all those sweet friends that brought us food. We had more than enough!

I had a few friends come over just to sit with me that first week home. They listened while I talked or they just sat with me in silence. I wasn't looking to others to explain to me what happened and in fact, I didn't find it helpful when people would offer their explanations. None of us know why this happened. Only God does. The way my friends and family have responded to our loss is the way people should respond. There are no words to say and giving a hug is really all that’s needed.

I have been told that people from all over the country have been praying for us. Knowing this has been overwhelming and very humbling for me! I really believe that the prayers of the Saints and the strength from God is what has gotten me out of bed every. Single. Day. Thank you for praying!

We have received cards, text messages, and emails from friends and family reminding us that they have not forgotten Naomi and are praying. These sweet reminders are encouraging because this journey doesn't all a sudden end after a certain amount of time. It’s a process. Grief is interesting because it comes in waves. One moment I’m okay and then the next I’m reminded of what should have been and I’m overwhelmed with emotion.

Everyone will grieve in different ways so what has been helpful for me may not be helpful for someone else. The best thing you can do for someone experiencing loss is to pray.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12