Friday, July 24, 2015

Pregnancy #2: 14-18 Weeks Update

It's time for an update! I think I'll do an update once a month since I'm working on blogging more :)

Pregnancy #2: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Weeks Update

I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant with Baby B #2 and a lot has happened in my world these last few weeks or so. 

Baby B at 15 weeks!

18 weeks! 

What's Happening with Me:

How far along? 18 weeks 

Total Weight gain? About 11 pounds total so far

Sleep? I'm been sleeping pretty well and I've started getting into a routine this month which has helped me establish a new wake and sleep time. Routines really help me! 

Best Moment this Week? Seeing Baby B! I've been going in bi-weekly and I just so happened to see baby B today! We are also getting ready to move into a HOUSE so I've been busy packing and Jacob has been busy painting! I'm excited about a place of our own and praying that this home is the home we bring Baby B home to. Also praying that it's filled with years of laughter and lots of love. 

Miss Anything? Nope, not really :) 

Movement? Not yet but any day now I should feel baby move! I was told that I have an anterior placenta again so I might not feel movement right away. I had an anterior placenta with Naomi which buffered a lot of her movements. 

Food Cravings? I've been craving Starbucks Mocha Frapps recently and I'm thinking because it's so hot outside! Plus they taste really yummy! 

Morning Sickness? No, not really. 

Boy or Girl? GIRL!!!!! I'm overjoyed that Naomi is getting a little SISTER!! Ever since my 12 week Doctors appointment, my Dr has said that baby looks more Girl than Boy. At my 16 week scan at my OB's office it was confirmed GIRL and then again at my anatomy scan at 18 weeks. She is looking great so far! So thankful!

Maternity Clothes? YES! I've been wearing some maternity shirts my sister gave me. Jacob and I went clothes shopping at the beginning of the month so I got a few things. My Mom also sent me two maternity outfits which I've been enjoying! It's so nice to feel comfortable in the clothes I'm wearing. 

Belly-Button IN or Out? It's pretty much disappeared. It's flat. 

Happy or Moody? I'm feeling pretty happy most days. Again, taking it a day at a time, trusting the Lord for this sweet one. 

Looking forward to? MOVING! I'm ready to be done with packing. I will be taking a day off from work next week to get the house set-up. 

Fitness Update: I've been working on a workout routine and I've been incorporating more #21dayfix workouts which I've been loving! Each workout is ONLY 30 minutes and I can modify anything I need to. 

I used to be a gym rat, meaning I felt like getting out of the house would help me have a good workout. Back in December when my gym membership needed to be renewed, we decided not to renew it to save money. I also was working on building my home workout collection so I'd have all I need to exercise from home. I wasn't sure how the transition from the gym to the living room would work for me, and surprising myself, I've been loving it! It used to take me 15 minutes to travel to the gym in the morning. Now, all I do is get dressed and walk to the living room to #pushplay! Within 30 minutes, I've had a great workout! I'm hoping once we move and get settled, I'll been more consistent with workouts. Right now I'm averaging 3 workouts a week. 

Other Updates: I went to the Doctor once during the last month for a reassurance ultrasound. I has having some anxiety caused by a twitch in my abdomen. It honestly freaked me out because I remember feeling something similar when I was carrying Naomi. Dr checked on the baby and she looked great. He wasn't sure what it was. Pregnancy after loss is a huge walk of faith, trusting God for a healthy, full-term baby. I'm so thankful that God is with me and we don't walk this road alone. Please continue to pray for us and Baby B! I don't think I've mentioned that we're due in December!

Well, that's all for now! 

What are some of your favorite at-home workout DVDs?

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